得獎連結: https://www.tgdaward.org/upload/registration/2019/1fd4b9835ea9d254d8b473406f99994f/20190726165009_5844.pdf
得獎名單: https://www.tgdaward.org/winner_list.php?chk_y=2019
At the end of 2019, the studio has received awards and nominations.
Enjoy I Design Co. Ltd has won: 2019 The 9th Taiwan Good Design Award -Medical Institution - Highly Commended Award Design Works - Yong Kun Animal Hospital.
It is a great honour to receive couple commendations at the end of 2019, that means “work hard, pays off” !
In 2020, we will continue the journey, and make great happen.
得獎名單: https://www.tgdaward.org/winner_list.php?chk_y=2019
At the end of 2019, the studio has received awards and nominations.
Enjoy I Design Co. Ltd has won: 2019 The 9th Taiwan Good Design Award -Medical Institution - Highly Commended Award Design Works - Yong Kun Animal Hospital.
It is a great honour to receive couple commendations at the end of 2019, that means “work hard, pays off” !
In 2020, we will continue the journey, and make great happen.